Surprise & Carefree Orthodontics
Braces & Orthodontics Blog

Some Helpful Ideas For Flossing While Wearing Braces
WE KNOW SOME OF YOU DON’T LIKE TO FLOSS , especially with...

Use Your Smartphone To Brush Smarter
SMARTPHONE TECHNOLOGY IS AMAZING . It brings the world to our fingertips....

Teeth Grinding At Night Can Cause Severe Damage
MOST PEOPLE CLENCH or grind their teeth from time to time. However,...

Removing The Fear Of Showing Your Teeth When You Smile
SHOWING YOUR TEETH WHEN YOU SMILE makes a huge difference in your...

Tips For Patients With Fixed Retainers
MANY PEOPLE, AFTER COMPLETING orthodontic treatment, are fitted with a fixed retainer—a...

Hormonal Changes Affect Women’s Oral Heath
HORMONAL CHANGES CAN AFFECT nearly every part of our bodies—including the mouth...

Tooth-Healthy Entertaining Tips For Those With Braces
ENTERTAINING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON? Throw a party that your guest’s teeth can...

Your Jaw: Incredible Force + Amazing Precision
EVER WONDERED HOW THE PRESSURE of the human bite stacks up against...

A Holiday Survival Guide For Those With Braces
ALONG WITH THE HOLIDAYS come friends, family, and holiday treats! Here are...

The Legend Of The Tooth Fairy
THE LEGEND OF THE TOOTH FAIRY has been around for ages. But...

Keeping Your Amazing Tongue Clean And Healthy
TONGUES ARE REMARKABLE ENGINEERING WONDERS . They help us nourish ourselves and...

5 Ways Social Media Helps Us Serve You
SOCIAL MEDIA HAS BECOME PART of the fabric of our lives. But,...