Surprise & Carefree Orthodontics

Braces & Orthodontics Blog

Pool Water Can Affect Your Smile


The Effects Of Electronic Cigarettes On Teeth

THEY’RE SOMETIMES REFERRED TO AS “e-cigs” or “vapes”. Regardless of what they’re...

Keeping Your Smile White And Bright

WITH WHITE CLOTHES, SOMETIMES IT TAKES a little bleach and a little...

Dieting? 4 Tips To Keep Your Smile Healthy

ARE YOU SETTING WEIGHT LOSS GOALS? GREAT! Just remember to stay healthy—and...

Pierre Fauchard’s Connection To Orthodontic Treatment

WE REALIZE THAT HISTORY LESSONS are not typically found here on our...

Orthodontic Treatment May Help Avert The “Crisis” Of Midlife

PEOPLE JOKE ABOUT A SO-CALLED MIDLIFE “CRISIS”. But instead, let’s consider it...

How’s Your Nightly Brushing Routine Going?

IT HAPPENS TO THE BEST OF US… Our good intention to go...

A Puny Straw Can Pack Powerful Protection

A STRAW? HOW ON EARTH can a straw help protect my smile?!...

5 Items To Have On Hand In Case Of A Dental Or Orthodontic Emergency

OUR TEETH–AND BRACES–POTENTIALLY DEAL with a lot when we’re out and about....

Should You Use An Electric Or Manual Toothbrush While You Have Braces?

THE TOOTHBRUSH: One of the most basic, efficient tools of modern society!...

While You Bathe In The Sun, What Does Your Smile Bathe In?

WHEN IT’S WARM OUTSIDE we all enjoy our favorite warm weather foods...

Feeling A Little Sore After Tightening? These Tips Can Help

A COMMON QUESTION we hear from patients is “will it hurt?” First...